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About Us

Family. Love. Community. Respect. Equity. Stewardship.

The Tandi Family Farm is a non-profit Urban Farm and Farm School located in San Leandro, California where we see ourselves as part of, not separate from, nature. 

Fresh Vegetables

Our Story
A Legacy Continued 
Giovani Victorio Tandi

“The Tandi family immigrated from Italy to the U.S. in 1925 and settled on Bay Farm Island in Alameda, CA. They were generational farmers that instilled their ancient ancestral vocation in their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.  John (Giovani) was a first generation Italian American born to Angelo and Maria Tandi. He was a passionate chef that loved growing his own food and nurturing his community through the food he cooked.  John passed down his love for feeding people farm-to-table to his daughters and grandchildren.”


Andrea M. Gorham

Granddaughter & Co-Founder

Meet The Board

Teri Schelsinger, Board Member

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